Sunday, July 1, 2012

Final Week of June: Harvests

In the final week of June we managed to be quite successful in terms of harvesting from the garden. Considering we didn't have much of a harvest at all until July 1st of last year, I think we're becoming much more successful at gardening. We've been very lucky to get a couple lettuce and arugula salads, radishes to snack on and throw into salads, and tatsoi in May and June alone, whereas last year we didn't have much to show for our gardening until July, and even then, we didn't have much at all until August.

 It's getting so hot here now that many of our greens and radishes are beginning to bolt, so we had to pick them quickly, but we also managed to harvest something completely new: red currants.

We have two red currant bushes on our property and a black currant bush. I've found I'm not a big fan of the black currants, but the red currants have a tartness that's similar to cranberries. We like to use them in scones, but we have quite a few of them, so we plan on freezing some too.

We also harvested lots and lots of arugula. The above picture was our first harvest of the week. The three pictures below are of three other colanders full of arugula from later in the week. We ended up blanching the later arugula and freezing it because we couldn't possibly eat it all in such a short time. It tastes similar to spinach once it's cooked (at least that's what we thought), so we can potentially use it in lasagna and that kind of thing later on.

Our radishes have also been doing quite well too. The first row of radishes that we planted have bolted, but this last week our next row started maturing. I expect to see many more in the coming week. Jennifer pulled the following radishes from the garden, but we have had a few more harvests since.


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