Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Garden Update (July 10th, 2013)

Jennifer and I haven’t written in a long time, but here’s a quick update of our garden progress for this year. There’s definitely a lot happening so far!

Radishes have been great. We’ve had a lot of success with the German Giant and French Breakfast radishes. Unfortunately the Easter Egg and Sparkler White Tip radishes seem to bolt quickly. I decided against planting the Cherry Belle variety, as we had so many other varieties to plant. I don’t think we’re going to get too many radishes any more for the summer, but we’re hoping to plant some seeds in the fall. We’ve heard this is a good time to grow them as the weather will be cooling down. 

The Ronde de Nice and small sugar pumpkins are looking very healthy. We planted six mounds of each variety. Only three mounds of the Ronde de Nice germinated at first, so we replanted seeds in the other mounds and those have quickly caught up to the earlier plants. There are about 10 plants in total of the ronde de nice. I counted at least fourteen blossom buds on just one plant, and some of them look like female blossoms, so that’s a good sign. We also have about 10 small sugar pumpkin plants. We're looking forward to making pumpkin pie in the fall, assuming we get pumpkins this year. 

Ronde de Nice
Early in the season I planted arugula in some containers. It did very well, and Jennifer and I managed to pick enough to add to a salad. The arugula that we planted in the garden has unfortunately all bolted, but seeing as we don’t have any seeds left, we plan on taking the opportunity to collect seeds from the arugula plants when they’re ready. 

We had one harvest of tatsoi  before it bolted. We don’t get to plant this stuff early enough, as the garden doesn’t get rototilled early enough, so we don’t get the full benefit of growing it. I don’t anticipate we’ll be planting this again, unless we can figure out a spot for early planting. 

The Royal Red, Merveille des Quatre Saisons and  'Early Green Moss, Curled' Endive (Chicoree Frisee) are doing fine and we managed to get enough for a salad this week, so I’m happy about that. There’s been a baby rabbit hanging around the garden, and we suspect it’s been nibbling the lettuce down, which is okay with us, as it's nice to see the rabbit. 

When we planted our tomato and pepper seeds indoors back in March, we also planted some cilantro and cinnamon basil seeds. They grew fine, but they grew tall and lanky. I decided to plant them between our tomato plants in the garden, not really sure how they would do. Luckily they’ve strengthened up very well and are growing. I also planted more cilantro seeds between the tomato plants, and they are coming up and look very healthy. 

The British Wonder Peas were doing well in the cooler weather, but again, I don’t think we planted them early enough; they’re not doing well in the heat. I wonder if there might be a chance they’ll take off in the fall?

Last year we collected Cherokee Trail of Tears and Blue Lake pole bean seeds for the first time, and happily there are a lot of plants up from that very same seed. The bean plants are climbing the poles quickly now and should hopefully blossom within a few weeks. I’m quite proud of the fact that we've had some success with seeds that we collected on our own.

pole beans
We didn’t have very many red beet seeds left, and not many germinated, but we do have some up so I hope to get some beets this season.

The tomatoes are growing quite well, although I think they might be a bit behind what they were last year. I’m beginning to wonder whether it will be similar to our first year growing tomatoes from seeds; that year we weren’t picking our first tomatoes until September! It might be just as well, though, seeing as we’ll be away from home the last two weeks of August. We ended up with 13 tomato plants in the garden this year. We planted two Federle, four Red Zapotec, three Purple Cherokee, two Green Zebra, one Yellow Pear and one Purple Calabash.

Back in May we mentioned that we’d be growing  Bulgarian Carrot, Jimmy Nardello, Orange Thai and Quadrato D'Asti Rosso peppers. Unfortunatley, the Quadrato D’Asti Rosso peppers (the one I was most excited about) didn’t germinate that well and we didn’t end up with any to put in the garden. However, we have quite a few Orange Thai and Bulgarian Carrot plants. We only have about three Jimmy Nardello plants this year. In total I think we have about 20 pepper plants this year.

We added a few more things to our growing list since last time. We needed to fill up some space in the garden, so we bought eight cabbage plants and four cucumber plants. We also decided to plant some sunflowers. Lastly, we couldn’t help but notice some mystery tomato plants growing in our garden. They must have re-seeded from last year. My guess is that they are Sungolds from plants that our mom planted last year, but we’re not sure. I am really curious to see what kind they are, and there are blossoms on the plants already, so I kept two in the garden. I had no idea that these heirloom tomatoes would re-seed like crazy.    


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