Our Bulgarian Carrot and Jimmy Nardello peppers, despite having been tiny little things when planted in the garden, are finally producing peppers! So far, the Bulgarian Carrot peppers look to be the most abundant producers with two or three peppers to each plant (see photo above and below), although it looks like the Jimmy Nardello are swiftly catching up with some fast-growing peppers (see third photo). My sister and I are very excited to see how these continue to grow, as both kinds are quite thin right now, even if they are long, and its my understanding that both kinds will be thicker.

Because we had so much garden space left, we planted some starter plants for Banana Peppers. The peppers produced were smaller than we expected them to be, but they were already on the plants before they were planted in the garden, so we think their growth may have been stunted by the shock of transplanting them. Banana Peppers, I believe, can be harvested at almost every stage, with the level of heat varying depending on when you pick them. These one's have just a little tinge of red on them, and despite us roasting them on the barbecue, and tossing them with some olive oil and salt, their heat was great. Megan ate two, but I could only eat one, so we saved the extra one to dice up in a corn and vegetable dish the following night. We'll feature that recipe later.
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