Remember our post showcasing our first set Musquee de Provence? The one in the above picture is it. We came back from a week of holidays to find that it practically doubled while we were gone!

It also looks like we have the chance of getting another pumpkin, as shown in the picture above. We'll have to wait and see what it looks like once the blossom finishes.

You might also recall that we didn't think any of our patty pan had come up, and that we had attempted to plant butternut squash seeds in its place. It turns out we were wrong. On coming back from our holiday, I couldn't help but notice a female blossom on one of the plants. I don't know how easily you can see the shape of the patty pan at the end of a blossom bud in the picture above, but it's there. Now we're not sure if any of the butternut squash came up after all, but if we have patty pan squash, I'm happy.

The crookneck squash are producing very well. We've already had two meals from these squash, and each of the five plants are producing nicely. At this point I've counted six squash growing on the plants and many more female blossoms. We've harvested three to date (that don't include the six on the plants now). Below are a few pictures of our crookneck squash plants.
