We're a couple weeks into August now, and the garden is definitely getting more and more wild. In past years, I've been concerned that we didn't use our garden space well enough, but this year we've packed the garden with so many plants that everything is starting to take over one another.
I thought we had a nice pathway in between the sunflowers and pole beans, but everything's grown up so much that we can't walk through anymore. In fact, the pole beans are starting to climb up the sunflowers too.
Similarly, the pumpkin plants have gone a little bit crazy, growing underneath the beans and sunflowers.
I'm a little bit concerned about our peppers, as our pumpkin vines are getting dangerously close to them.
Pumpkins and Peppers |
The Small Sugar pumpkins keep getting larger too.
We have at least 15 pumpkins growing between 10 plants so far, and some babies that we're not too sure about yet.
And, our Ronde de Nice zucchinis continue to produce abundantly. I picked five on a single day! I estimate that we've picked around 20 zucchinis so far. I made about seven loaves of zucchini bread, and we cooked some to eat. I also blanched and froze some, and there's still three zucchinis sitting in the fridge.
We even gave three zucchinis to our dad and oma.They were surprised to see round zucchinis!
We don't have any of our tomatoes coming from the garden, but I'll take the opportunity to show off some cherry tomatoes that our step dad has grown in the garden this year.
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