Our tomato progress has been great as we've continuously been getting more and more tomatoes! This photo is of how one of our Yellow Pear cherry tomato plants looked last week. Needless to say that even after picking many tomatoes off this, it doesn't look like we harvested any!

Here is a picture of our first ripening Green Zebra tomato. Isn't it amazing? Megan and I have had difficulty judging when exactly these would be ripe, but have been judging their ripeness by how golden the background gets, how pronounced the green stripes are, and whether they're soft on the bottom. We picked some of these since and they are terrific for fresh eating with a slightly tangy, yet sweet flavour.

Here is an image of our first ripening Cherokee Purple tomatoes. I love the way these look so much with their pink-purple colour and how gigantic they are. I think these are the largest tomatoes that set on our plants.

Here is a mixture of tomatoes including some of our Mom's Early Girl tomatoes, our Yellow Pear Cherry tomatoes, and one Cherokee Purple. We picked all these between yesterday and today, so we'll likely make a very nice tomato salad tonight with a bit of olive oil, balsamic vinegar, basil, and salt and pepper. I've already tasted the cherry tomatoes, Early Girl, and Green Zebra, so I'm extremely excited to see what the Cherokees taste like.

This image is of more tomatoes we harvested yesterday and today, including two Cherokee Purples and a few Green Zebras, as well as more Early Girls. They all look so pretty together!

This is a close-up of Green Zebra tomatoes we harvested a few days ago, so we've picked about 6 or 7 in total now.

And another one from a few days ago....

And everything we've picked in the last two days....
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