Jennifer and I planted our tomato seeds a lot earlier than last year this time around, because our plants were so little by the time we planted them in our garden last year. I think we planted them around April 13th last year, and this year we planted them in mid-March. Our tomato plants did do fine last year, though; we ended up with large, bushy plants that produced a lot of tomatoes. The only problem was that we probably would have gotten tomatoes earlier had they been more mature when we planted them.
Again, we planted our 5 varieties of tomatoes. These include Green Zebra, Purple Cherokee, Purple Calabash, Yellow Pear, and Red Zapotec. I think all of our seeds must have germinated, because by the time they were all up we had over 40 plants.
About a week after we had planted them they began to produce their true leaves, and by now they all have about 2 sets of true leaves. We figured it was a good time to re-pot our tomato plants and they all appear to be thriving in their new pots. Like last year, we used red beer cups to put our tomato plants in, so they should have plenty of room to allow them to thrive until the end of May or beginning of June.
We'll keep updating on their progress as they grow. There's not too much interesting happening at the moment, but once the plants are bigger we'll post some pictures.