We finally harvested our Musquee de Provence pumpkins today. We ended up with two, which isn't that bad considering we only had two plants to begin with. Unfortunately, they are a little bit immature, but being late October, we figured it was a good idea to pick them; there isn't much of a plant left anymore. One of the pumpkins is about the size it should be (10-15 pounds probably), while the other is quite small. The above picture, and the two below are of the largest one.

Unfortunately you can see a few imperfections on the pumpkin, but I still think it's quite pretty.

The two pictures above are of our tiny pumpkin. The ribbing isn't as present here, but I'm pleased to see that it's ripening up. Maybe these pumpkins will get ripe on our doorstep over the next little while, and then we can make pumpkin soup.